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Controller Software - Early Software Experiments

Controller Software - Early Software Experiments

Home > Research and Development Program > Controller Software > Early Software Experiments

The software is possibly the most complex part of the project to develop.
Here strong belief is in simplicity, small steps and peer reviewing.
Because of this, the software will be open source and the steps well documented for maximum peer understanding.

Turbo Electric GIT Repository

This is worth a mention:

Full manual
PIC16F628 Instruction set

Your very basic PCM routine is thus:

Original OpenOffice Drawing
Which for a PIC is:
;               *********************************************
;               *  PCM Routine which give 125kHz            *
;               *********************************************
PCM_LOOP        MOVLW   B'00000000' ;
                MOVWF   PORTB
                NOP  ; Give symmetry
                NOP  ; Give symmetry
                MOVLW   B'00111111' ;
                MOVWF   PORTB
                GOTO    PCM_LOOP

Full code

However this is a fixed 50/50 mark/space.
This is good as a starting point, but it is necessary to vary the mark/space.
This is where things go wrong, since every instruction take time.

So we need to add loops to add a variable delay.

Original OpenOffice Drawing
Which for a PIC is:
                ; Intialise the mark/space times
		MOVLW	63         	; 1 <= count <= 63
		MOVWF	SPACELENGTH     ; Set the space time
		MOVLW	1               ; 1 <= count <= 63
		MOVWF	MARKLENGTH      ; Set the mark time

;               *********************************************
;               *  PCM Routine                              *
;               *********************************************

PCM_LOOP        MOVLW   B'00000000'     ; Set all LEDS off
                MOVWF   PORTB           ; Send to PORT B
                MOVF    SPACELENGTH,W   ; Get the space time
                MOVWF   SPACETIMER      ; Initialise the timer
                GOTO    SPACE_LOOP      ; Loop until zero
                NOP                     ; Give symmetry
                NOP                     ; Give symmetry
                MOVLW   B'00111111'     ; Set all LEDS on
                MOVWF   PORTB           ; Send to PORT B
                MOVF    MARKLENGTH,W    ; Get the mark time
                MOVWF   MARKTIMER       ; Initialise the timer
MARK_LOOP       DECFSZ  MARKTIMER,F     ; Count down
                GOTO    MARK_LOOP       ; Loop until zero
                GOTO    PCM_LOOP
Full code

So a mechanism is needed for varying the mark/space ratio.

There is another way to to this:
A fixed loop which counts 0 to 255 can be used and a variable which holds the mark time.
The loop scans with bits high until the magic value then flips to low.
This is similar to a frame relay used in mobile phones to transmit and receive data to/from the base radio.

This is probably more robust than timers since the the loop always executes the same instructions and may loop faster.
Also the ability to have two(or more) registers for 16-bit (or higher) resolution.

At this stage it might be worth pointing out that it's obviously unrealistic to expect the final controller to be using a PIC.

Most likely it will be using an EPIA motherboard or similar and running a real-time Linux kernel (livecd).
This will make communication easy via ethernet and the ability to develop the real-time controller software using a frame relay built as a RT process in the pre-emptive scheduler.

Also the PIC16F628 which is being tested has built-in PWM outputs, so it would seem a better course of action to use these.

Brushless Motor Sequencing

6 step:
Use the buttons below to see it work.

Original QCAD Design

12 step:
Use the buttons below to see it work.

Original QCAD Design
This is an animation of the fields and phases of 3-phase DC motor commutation.

This is actually the same whether brushed or brushless.

In a brushed motor the commutation is mechanical using a commutator attached to the shaft of the armature and usually carbon brushes.
The animation represents the fields on the armature with respect to the shaft as it rotates.
The actual field with respect to the stator magnets (or the case) is more or less in the same direction at approximately 90 degrees to the stator field for maximum torque.

In a brushless motor the magnets are on the rotor and the stator field is rotated to draw the rotor field around.
This rotating stator field is provided by 3 electromagnets (U, V and W in the animation) at 120 degrees to each other and energised in sequence using a controller.

This is the commutation aimed for in the PIC software, which is easy to translate using the table on the left of the animation.

;       ***********************************************
;       *  PCM Routine which does BLDC commutation    *
;       *  Without the delays rotates in 48uS (21kHz) *
;       ***********************************************
PCM_LOOP    MOVLW   B'00011010' ; 1
            MOVWF   PORTB
            CALL    DELAY_ROUTINE
            NOP  ; Give symmetry
            NOP  ; Give symmetry

            MOVLW   B'00010010' ; 2
            MOVWF   PORTB
            CALL    DELAY_ROUTINE
            NOP  ; Give symmetry
            NOP  ; Give symmetry

            MOVLW   B'00010110' ; 3
            MOVWF   PORTB
            CALL    DELAY_ROUTINE
            NOP  ; Give symmetry
            NOP  ; Give symmetry

            MOVLW   B'00000110' ; 4
            MOVWF   PORTB
            CALL    DELAY_ROUTINE
            NOP  ; Give symmetry
            NOP  ; Give symmetry

            MOVLW   B'00100110' ; 5
            MOVWF   PORTB
            CALL    DELAY_ROUTINE
            NOP  ; Give symmetry
            NOP  ; Give symmetry

            MOVLW   B'00100100' ; 6
            MOVWF   PORTB
            CALL    DELAY_ROUTINE
            NOP  ; Give symmetry
            NOP  ; Give symmetry

            MOVLW   B'00100101' ; 7
            MOVWF   PORTB
            CALL    DELAY_ROUTINE
            NOP  ; Give symmetry
            NOP  ; Give symmetry

            MOVLW   B'00100001' ; 8
            MOVWF   PORTB
            CALL    DELAY_ROUTINE
            NOP  ; Give symmetry
            NOP  ; Give symmetry

            MOVLW   B'00101001' ; 9
            MOVWF   PORTB
            CALL    DELAY_ROUTINE
            NOP  ; Give symmetry
            NOP  ; Give symmetry

            MOVLW   B'00001001' ; 10
            MOVWF   PORTB
            CALL    DELAY_ROUTINE
            NOP  ; Give symmetry
            NOP  ; Give symmetry

            MOVLW   B'00011001' ; 11
            MOVWF   PORTB
            CALL    DELAY_ROUTINE
            NOP  ; Give symmetry
            NOP  ; Give symmetry

            MOVLW   B'00011000' ; 12
            MOVWF   PORTB
            CALL    DELAY_ROUTINE
            GOTO    PCM_LOOP

                MOVWF   TIMER1
                MOVWF   TIMER2
                GOTO    DEL_LOOP2
                DECFSZ  TIMER1,F
                GOTO    DEL_LOOP1
                RETLW   0

Full code
A simple commutation loop which doesn't use PCM, but steps the motor quite adequately.

To see it working go to the Field Control.

Obviously this is a fixed speed and is sensorless, so you need to spin the motor up by hand and then it runs on it's own.

Adding manual control

This has been improved with the ability to vary the speed using buttons

Original OpenOffice Drawing

;                            + + +
;                           UUVVWW
;                           - - - 
STEP01          EQU     B'00011010'
STEP02          EQU     B'00010010'
STEP03          EQU     B'00010110'
STEP04          EQU     B'00000110'
STEP05          EQU     B'00100110'
STEP06          EQU     B'00100100'
STEP07          EQU     B'00100101'
STEP08          EQU     B'00100001'
STEP09          EQU     B'00101001'
STEP10          EQU     B'00001001'
STEP11          EQU     B'00011001'
STEP12          EQU     B'00011000'

BLDC_LOOP       MOVLW   STEP01          ; Get bit pattern for BLDC step
                MOVWF   PORTB           ; Set output lines
                CALL    DELAY_ROUTINE   ; Do intersample delay
                NOP                     ; Give symmetry
                NOP                     ; Give symmetry

  . . . steps 02 - 11 removed for clarity

                MOVLW   STEP12          ; Get bit pattern for BLDC step
                MOVWF   PORTB           ; Set output lines
                CALL    DELAY_ROUTINE   ; Do intersample delay
                GOTO    BLDC_LOOP       ; Repeat BLDC sequence (2 cycles)

DELAY_ROUTINE   MOVF    TIME1,W         ; Get initial count
                MOVWF   TIMER1          ; Set the timer
DEL_LOOP        DECFSZ  TIMER1,F        ; Count down
                GOTO    DEL_LOOP        ; Repeat

                MOVF    TIME3,W         ; Get initial count
                MOVWF   TIMER3          ; Set the timer
DEL_LOOP4       DECFSZ  TIMER3,F        ; Count down
                GOTO    DEL_LOOP4       ; Repeat

                INCFSZ  TIME2,1         ; Count up button scan timer (256 wrap around)
                GOTO    ENDLOOP         ; Jump out if non-zero
                GOTO    UPDOWN          ; Jump to button scan if zero (every 256 delays)

ENDLOOP         NOP                     ; Give symmetry
                NOP                     ; Give symmetry
                NOP                     ; Give symmetry
                NOP                     ; Give symmetry
                NOP                     ; Give symmetry
                RETLW   0               ; Return to BLDC loop

UPDOWN          BTFSC   PORTA,SW1       ; Skip next if SW1 is up
                DECFSZ  TIME1,F         ; Decrement first timer initial value
                GOTO    UP              ; Jump if first timer initial value is non-zero
                INCF    TIME1,F         ; Re-increment first timer if zero

UP              BTFSC   PORTA,SW2       ; Skip next if SW2 is up
                INCFSZ  TIME1,F         ; Increment first timer initial value
                GOTO    UPDOWN3         ; Jump if first timer initial value is non-zero
                DECF    TIME1,F         ; Re-decrement to 255 first timer if zero

UPDOWN3         BTFSC   PORTA,SW3       ; Skip next if SW3 is up
                DECFSZ  TIME3,F         ; Decrement second timer initial value
                GOTO    UP3             ; Jump if second timer initial value is non-zero
                INCF    TIME3,F         ; Re-increment second timer if zero

UP3             BTFSC   PORTA,SW4       ; Skip next if SW4 is up
                INCFSZ  TIME3,F         ; Increment second timer initial value
                GOTO    BACK            ; Jump if second timer initial value is non-zero
                DECF    TIME3,F         ; Re-decrement to 255 first timer if zero

BACK            INCF    TIME2,F         ; Bump up button scan counter
                RETLW   0               ; Return to BLDC loop

Full code
This actually uses 2 loops with 2 separate button controls (SW1 & 2 first loop, SW3 & 4 second loop).
This was done to experiment with the motor's limits and extra delay is required to slow the loop down to usable periods.

Using a oscilloscope BLDC frequency input was 555.5Hz (the 12 step sequence repeated 555.5 times a second).
The motor under experiment is a 7 phase model helicopter motor running at 3v.

So the highest rpm was found to be 4,761.4 RPM (555.5Hz / 7 phases x 60 seconds).
The PIC could drive it to much higher RPMs, but the motor didn't seem capable of physically spinning any faster.

Once the voltage was increased to 6v, which was the maximum my 3A power pack would allow before cutting out,
A frequency up to 943.3Hz was observed, which translates to 8,085 RPM.
That's over 6 times the rated RPM!

Not bad for a motor rated at max 1,300 RPM

Of course, in a vehicle the motor will in no way require these extreme RPMs (more likely a twentieth of this),
but it proves the humble low spec PIC is quite able to operate fast enough to run a BLDC motor in a real car.

PWM control

In order to modularise things it might be easier to have separate PWM control to the commutation.
Not sure about this as it might end up more expensive, but we need to have all solutions tested before we can pick the best one.

In that light a simple PWM algorithm has been created to test PWM control on a brushed series would motor.
This is much the same as the BLDC controller but with 2 steps and separate delays for each step.

Original OpenOffice Drawing

;               **********************************
;               **  RESET :  main boot routine  **
;               **********************************

RESET           MOVLW   B'00000111'     ; Disable Comparator module's
                MOVWF   CMCON       

                BSF     STATUS,RP0      ; Switch to register bank 1
                                        ; Disable pull-ups
                                        ; INT on rising edge
                                        ; TMR0 to CLKOUT
                                        ; TMR0 Incr low2high trans.
                                        ; Prescaler assign to Timer0
                                        ; Prescaler rate is 1:256

                MOVLW   B'11010111'     ; Set PIC options (See datasheet).
                MOVWF   OPTION_REG      ; Write the OPTION register.

                CLRF    INTCON          ; Disable interrupts
                MOVLW   B'11000000'     ; RB7 & RB6 are inputs, RB5...RB0 are outputs.
                MOVWF   TRISB           ; Set BLDC sequence port

                MOVLW   B'11111111'     ; all RA ports are inputs
                MOVWF   TRISA           ; Set button port

                BCF     STATUS,RP0      ; Switch Back to reg. Bank 0
                CLRF    PORTB           ; Reset BLDC sequence port

                MOVLW   MARKINITIAL     ; Get default value for MARKTIMER
                MOVWF   MARKPERIOD      ; Initialise MARKTIMER

                MOVLW   SPACEINITIAL    ; Get default value for SPACETIMER
                MOVWF   SPACEPERIOD     ; Initialise SPACETIMER

                GOTO    PCMLOOP         ; Start the PCM loop (non return)

;               ***********************************************
;               *  PCM Routine which does Mark-Space          *
;               ***********************************************

PCMLOOP         MOVLW   SOMEON          ; Get bit pattern for PWM HIGH
                MOVWF   PORTB           ; Set output lines
                CALL    MARKDELAY       ; Do intersample delay
                NOP                     ; Give symmetry
                NOP                     ; Give symmetry

                MOVLW   SOMEOFF         ; Get bit pattern for PWM LOW
                MOVWF   PORTB           ; Set output lines
                CALL    SPACEDELAY      ; Do intersample delay
                GOTO    PCMLOOP         ; Repeat

;               ***********************************************
;               * Button read and period adjustments          *
;               ***********************************************

MARKDELAY       MOVF    MARKPERIOD,W    ; Get initial count
                MOVWF   MARKTIMER       ; Set the timer
                GOTO    MARKDELAYLOOP   ; Repeat

                INCFSZ  BUTTONTIMER,W   ; Count up button scan timer (256 wrap around)
                GOTO    ENDMARKDELAY    ; Jump out if non-zero
                GOTO    MARKUPDOWN      ; Jump to button scan if zero (every 256 delays)

ENDMARKDELAY    NOP                     ; Give symmetry
                NOP                     ; Give symmetry
                NOP                     ; Give symmetry
                NOP                     ; Give symmetry
                NOP                     ; Give symmetry
                RETLW   0               ; Return to BLDC loop

MARKUPDOWN      BTFSC   PORTA,SW1       ; Skip next if SW1 is up
                DECFSZ  MARKPERIOD,F    ; Decrement first timer initial value
                GOTO    MARKUP          ; Jump if first timer initial value is non-zero
                INCF    MARKPERIOD,F    ; Re-increment first timer if zero

MARKUP          BTFSC   PORTA,SW2       ; Skip next if SW2 is up
                INCFSZ  MARKPERIOD,F    ; Increment first timer initial value
                GOTO    MARKBACK        ; Jump if first timer initial value is non-zero
                DECF    MARKPERIOD,F    ; Re-decrement to 255 first timer if zero

MARKBACK        INCF    BUTTONTIMER,F   ; Bump up button scan counter
                RETLW   0               ; Return to BLDC loop

SPACEDELAY      MOVF    SPACEPERIOD,W   ; Get initial count
                MOVWF   SPACETIMER      ; Set the timer
                GOTO    SPACEDELAYLOOP  ; Repeat

                INCFSZ  BUTTONTIMER,W   ; Count up button scan timer (256 wrap around)
                GOTO    ENDSPACEDELAY   ; Jump out if non-zero
                GOTO    SPACEUPDOWN     ; Jump to button scan if zero (every 256 delays)

ENDSPACEDELAY   NOP                     ; Give symmetry
                NOP                     ; Give symmetry
                NOP                     ; Give symmetry
                NOP                     ; Give symmetry
                NOP                     ; Give symmetry
                RETLW   0               ; Return to BLDC loop

SPACEUPDOWN     BTFSC   PORTA,SW3       ; Skip next if SW3 is up
                DECFSZ  SPACEPERIOD,F   ; Decrement first timer initial value
                GOTO    SPACEUP         ; Jump if first timer initial value is non-zero
                INCF    SPACEPERIOD,F   ; Re-increment first timer if zero

SPACEUP         BTFSC   PORTA,SW4       ; Skip next if SW4 is up
                INCFSZ  SPACEPERIOD,F   ; Increment first timer initial value
                GOTO    SPACEBACK       ; Jump if first timer initial value is non-zero
                DECF    SPACEPERIOD,F   ; Re-decrement to 255 first timer if zero

SPACEBACK       INCF    BUTTONTIMER,F   ; Bump up button scan counter
                RETLW   0               ; Return to BLDC loop

Full code

Now the PIC has a PWM output controller built in as well (called a CCP module), but it is not going to used as yet.
This is for two reasons:
The code for a PWM was created as precursor to the BLDC so it's relatively simple to update it.
The CCP module is a little in-depth and is not required just to build/test the electronics/electrics.

In actual fact there is simple a way of incorporating the PWM into the BLDC commutation.
This can be done by adding in an intermediate space step between each of the 12 "mark" steps producing 24 steps.
The timing of the "mark" BLDC step delay can be varied independently of the "space" step delay, thus giving a PWM.

This, of course, will be low frequency and in fact the frequency is a function of the shaft speed.
Having a low frequency will naturally make the system more efficient as the IGBTs will spend more time on the switched states and less time in the transitional states.
The by-product is that there will be more noise from the motors operation.

This is a desirable thing for the Mass-EV and the Impulse-EV as it is not the target of this project to be the smoothest and quietest experience.
Certainly the Impulse-EV will be designed to have a sense of presence and occasion, rather than a mousey high speed stealth machine.

Use the buttons below to see it work.

Original QCAD Design
This is an animation of the 3-phase DC motor commutation with PWM space intermediate steps.

And the 6-step version:

Use the buttons below to see it work.

Original QCAD Design
The BLDC mark to PWM space ratio will vary to provide the torque control.
The mark will be between 0 and 30 degrees of the phase, 0 being no torque and 30 being maximum.
As usual the stator field will be 90 degrees to the rotor field.

This will make it nice and simple to commutate with torque control without the use of the heavy maths involved in Clarke and Park transforms.

This uses double nested loops since the test is using relays and needs to operate slowly
; PCMBLDCLOOP: PCM Routine which does BLDC commutation

PCMBLDCLOOP     MOVLW   STEP01          ; Get bit pattern for BLDC step
                MOVWF   PORTB           ; Set output lines
                CALL    MARKDELAY       ; Do intersample delay
                NOP                     ; Give symmetry
                NOP                     ; Give symmetry

                MOVLW   ALLOFF          ; Get bit pattern for PWM LOW
                MOVWF   PORTB           ; Set output lines
                CALL    SPACEDELAY      ; Do intersample delay
                NOP                     ; Give symmetry
                NOP                     ; Give symmetry

  . . . steps 02 - 11 removed for clarity

                MOVLW   STEP12          ; Get bit pattern for BLDC step
                MOVWF   PORTB           ; Set output lines
                CALL    MARKDELAY       ; Do intersample delay
                NOP                     ; Give symmetry
                NOP                     ; Give symmetry

                MOVLW   ALLOFF          ; Get bit pattern for PWM LOW
                MOVWF   PORTB           ; Set output lines
                CALL    SPACEDELAY      ; Do intersample delay
                GOTO    PCMBLDCLOOP     ; Repeat BLDC sequence (2 cycles)
; MARKDELAY: Button read and period adjustments

MARKDELAY       MOVF    MARKPERIOD,W    ; Get initial count
                MOVWF   MARKTIMER       ; Set the timer

MARKDELAYLOOP   MOVF    MARKPERIOD,W    ; Get initial count
                MOVWF   MARKINNERTIMER  ; Set the timer

                GOTO    MARKINNERLOOP   ; Repeat

                DECFSZ  MARKTIMER,F     ; Count down
                GOTO    MARKDELAYLOOP   ; Repeat

                INCFSZ  BUTTONTIMER,F   ; Count up button scan timer (256 wrap around)
                GOTO    ENDMARKDELAY    ; Jump out if non-zero
                GOTO    MARKUPDOWN      ; Jump to button scan if zero (every 256 delays)

ENDMARKDELAY    NOP                     ; Give symmetry
                NOP                     ; Give symmetry
                NOP                     ; Give symmetry
                NOP                     ; Give symmetry
                NOP                     ; Give symmetry
                RETLW   0               ; Return to BLDC loop

MARKUPDOWN      BTFSC   PORTA,SW1       ; Skip next if SW1 is up
                DECFSZ  MARKPERIOD,F    ; Decrement first timer initial value
                GOTO    MARKUP          ; Jump if first timer initial value is non-zero
                INCF    MARKPERIOD,F    ; Re-increment first timer if zero

MARKUP          BTFSC   PORTA,SW2       ; Skip next if SW2 is up
                INCFSZ  MARKPERIOD,F    ; Increment first timer initial value
                GOTO    MARKBACK        ; Jump if first timer initial value is non-zero
                DECF    MARKPERIOD,F    ; Re-decrement to 255 first timer if zero

MARKBACK        INCF    BUTTONTIMER,F   ; Bump up button scan counter
                RETLW   0               ; Return to BLDC loop

; SPACEDELAY: Button read and period adjustments

SPACEDELAY      MOVF    SPACEPERIOD,W   ; Get initial count
                MOVWF   SPACETIMER      ; Set the timer

                MOVWF   SPACEINNERTIMER ; Set the timer

                GOTO    SPACEINNERLOOP  ; Repeat

                DECFSZ  SPACETIMER,F    ; Count down
                GOTO    SPACEDELAYLOOP  ; Repeat

                INCFSZ  BUTTONTIMER,F   ; Count up button scan timer (256 wrap around)
                GOTO    ENDSPACEDELAY   ; Jump out if non-zero
                GOTO    SPACEUPDOWN     ; Jump to button scan if zero (every 256 delays)

ENDSPACEDELAY   NOP                     ; Give symmetry
                NOP                     ; Give symmetry
                NOP                     ; Give symmetry
                NOP                     ; Give symmetry
                NOP                     ; Give symmetry
                RETLW   0               ; Return to BLDC loop

SPACEUPDOWN     BTFSC   PORTA,SW3       ; Skip next if SW3 is up
                DECFSZ  SPACEPERIOD,F   ; Decrement first timer initial value
                GOTO    SPACEUP         ; Jump if first timer initial value is non-zero
                INCF    SPACEPERIOD,F   ; Re-increment first timer if zero

SPACEUP         BTFSC   PORTA,SW4       ; Skip next if SW4 is up
                INCFSZ  SPACEPERIOD,F   ; Increment first timer initial value
                GOTO    SPACEBACK       ; Jump if first timer initial value is non-zero
                DECF    SPACEPERIOD,F   ; Re-decrement to 255 first timer if zero

SPACEBACK       INCF    BUTTONTIMER,F   ; Bump up button scan counter
                RETLW   0               ; Return to BLDC loop

Full code
Merged the PWM code with the BLDC code, total program: size 365 lines including space and comments.

This is the modified BLDC code to include PWM.
If you don't like the stereoscopic 3D just switch it off.

Arduino (ATMEL SBC)

Looking at an Arduino as perhaps an alternative to a PIC.
There's nothing wrong with the PIC, but the AMTEL CPU already has 6 ADCs and 6 PWM outputs plus other DIO.

Ethernet can also be added and even wireless quite cheaply.
This means it's possible to write a simple UI as a http server and operate the thing directly from a PC using a browser.

The project is very Linux friendly and the IDE is quite simple to use.

Some preliminary tests to get a grip on the speed of the CPU:
void setup()
  // initialize the digital pin as an output.
  // Pin 13 has an LED connected on most Arduino boards:
  pinMode(13, OUTPUT);     

// zero gives 2.75uS (363kHz) actually a sawtooth rather than square
// 5 gives 9.1uS (110kHz) 700nS x 2 (15%) is transition
// 10 gives 15.4uS (65kHz) again 700nS x 2 (9%) is transition
// 20 gives 27.5uS (36.3kHz) with a reasonable square
// 100 gives 128uS (7.8kHz)
// 255 gives 325uS (3.1kHz)
// 1000 gives 4.5mS (222Hz) unsigned short
// 10000 gives 22.5mS (44Hz)
// 65535 gives 148mS (6.76Hz) -visible flashing
// 100000 gives 430mS (2.3Hz) unsigned long
static const unsigned char DELAY = 0;

void loop()
#if 1

// No delay code gives a period of 810nS (1.23MHz)
  PORTB = B00100000;        // set the LED on
  for (volatile unsigned char intCount = DELAY; intCount > 0; intCount--);
  PORTB = B00000000;        // set the LED off
  for (volatile unsigned char intCount = DELAY; intCount > 0; intCount--);


// No delay code gives a period of 10.8uS (92.6kHz)
  digitalWrite(13, HIGH);   // set the LED on
//  delay(1000);              // wait for a second
  digitalWrite(13, LOW);    // set the LED off
//  delay(1000);              // wait for a second

A 10MHz 'scope was used so this may be the limitation which showed poor squares.

Checked on a 100MHz 'scope it shows the square is good, so it's just the scope.
The frequency/periods were pretty much right so it seems the 'scope good enough.

It is considerably faster than the PIC from previous experiments.
The same test without any delay code at all ran at 8uS (125kHz) so this is about 10 times faster.

The PIC16F628A is was clocked at 4Mhz, the ATMEGA328P is clocked at 16MHz.
Both are 8-bit CPUs, the PIC has 3.5k flash the ATMEL has 32k.
Price at RS is £1.55 for PIC and £3.22 for the ATMEL (25th July 2012).

Both CPUs are sub-£10 so price is not an issue.
The development kit from Maplin for the PIC is around £35 whereas the base kit for the ATMEL is about £25.

All things considered the ATMEL is a good option.

Controlling a Motor

First pass on the Arduino version:
    BLDC with PWM first pass


PORTB is digital pin 8 to 13
PORTC is analog input pins
PORTD is digital pins 0 to 7

DDRx is the direction register for PORTx.

DDRD = B11111110;  // sets Arduino pins 1 to 7 as outputs, pin 0 as input
DDRD |= B11111100;  // this is safer as it sets pins 2 to 7 as outputs
	                  // without changing the value of pins 0 & 1, which are RX & TX 
void setup()
    // initialize the digital pins 7 to 2 as an output.
    DDRD |= B11111100;

    zero gives 2.75uS (363kHz)
    5 gives 9.1uS (110kHz)
    10 gives 15.4uS (65kHz)
    20 gives 27.5uS (36.3kHz)
    100 gives 128uS (7.8kHz)
    255 gives 325uS (3.1kHz)
    1000 gives 4.5mS (222Hz) unsigned short
    10000 gives 22.5mS (44Hz)
    65535 gives 148mS (6.76Hz) -visible flashing
    100000 gives 430mS (2.3Hz) unsigned long
static const unsigned long MARK = 100;
static const unsigned long SPACE = 1000;

static const unsigned char Step[] =

static const unsigned char StepCount = sizeof (Step) / sizeof (char);

void loop()
    for (unsigned char intCount = 0; intCount < StepCount; intCount++)
        PORTD = Step[intCount++];
        for (volatile unsigned long intDelay = MARK; intDelay > 0; intDelay--);
        PORTD = Step[intCount];
        for (volatile unsigned long intDelay = SPACE; intDelay > 0; intDelay--);

For the electronics see PositionSensing

Quick test with the MARK at 100 and SPACE at 1000 gives us a good low speed turn.
Also we are starting to hear the motor sound now, which is good.

Using the Sensors

We need a different algorithm to use the Hall inputs.
The diode matrix was based on a 6 step sequence.
Also the electronics is set up for reverse logic on the inputs to reduce circuit complexity.

    Software replacement of the diode matrix

    Just a simple loop to iterate through the possible inputs and map the output.

    Sample period should be shorter than 100uS.

typedef struct
    unsigned char Sensor;
    unsigned char Phase;

static const unsigned char SensorsMask = B11111100;

// Sensor input is reverse logic
static const PhaseMapSpec PhaseMap[] =
//    Sensor       Phase
//                 UUVVWW
//    654321       -+-+-+
    {B01111100, B00010010},
    {B10111100, B00000110},
    {B11011100, B00100100},
    {B11101100, B00100001},
    {B11110100, B00001001},
    {B11111000, B00011000}

static const unsigned char PhaseMapSize = sizeof (PhaseMap) / sizeof (PhaseMapSpec);

void setup()
    // PORTB pins 5 to 0 (DIO13 - DIO08) as field control outputs.
    DDRB |= B00111111;
    // PORTD pins 7 to 2 (DIO07 - DIO02) as sensor inputs.
    DDRD &= B00000011;

void loop()
    for (unsigned char intCount = 0; intCount < PhaseMapSize; intCount++)
        if (PhaseMap[intCount].Sensor == (PIND & SensorsMask))
            PORTB = PhaseMap[intCount].Phase;

Adding speed controls

A simple way of testing the PWM control is needed using analogue pots.
This is using the original 12-step sequence with mark-space in the sequence to make it 24-step.

So we added code to control the basic mark/space from the 2 pots into the raw stepper code:
void setup()
    // initialize the digital pins 5 to 0 as an output.
    DDRB |= B00111111;

static unsigned long Mark = 0;
static unsigned long Space = 0;

static const unsigned char Step[] =

static const unsigned char StepCount = sizeof (Step) / sizeof (char);

void loop()
    for (unsigned char intCount = 0; intCount < StepCount; intCount++)
        Space = (analogRead(0) << 4);
        Mark = (analogRead(1));
        PORTB = Step[intCount++];
        for (volatile unsigned long intDelay = Mark; intDelay > 0; intDelay--);
        PORTB = Step[intCount];
        for (volatile unsigned long intDelay = Space; intDelay > 0; intDelay--);
This worked OK, but obviously careful control the PWM is required or the step sequence will be lost, since there is still no sensor input.

First complete controller program

A merge of the two produces something which gives proper sequencing from sensors and PWM control using analogue pots:
// Initial test with sensors and variable PWM from pots

typedef struct
    unsigned char Sensor;
    unsigned char Phase;

static unsigned long Mark = 0;
static unsigned long Space = 0;

static const unsigned char SensorsMask = B11111100;

// Sensor input is reverse logic
static const PhaseMapSpec PhaseMap[] =
//    Sensor       Phase
//                 UUVVWW
//    654321       -+-+-+
    {B01111100, B00010010},
    {B10111100, B00000110},
    {B11011100, B00100100},
    {B11101100, B00100001},
    {B11110100, B00001001},
    {B11111000, B00011000}

static const unsigned char PhaseMapSize = sizeof (PhaseMap) / sizeof (PhaseMapSpec);

void setup()
    // PORTB pins 5 to 0 (DIO13 - DIO08) as field control outputs.
    DDRB |= B00111111;
    // PORTD pins 7 to 2 (DIO07 - DIO02) as sensor inputs.
    DDRD &= B00000011;

static unsigned char LastSensor = SensorsMask;
static unsigned char ThisSensor = SensorsMask;

void loop()
    // Hold the "mark" until a sensor change
    for (unsigned long intCount = Mark; ThisSensor == LastSensor && intCount > 0; intCount--)
        ThisSensor = (PIND & SensorsMask);
        if (ThisSensor == SensorsMask)
            ThisSensor = LastSensor;
    LastSensor = ThisSensor;
    // Read the pots
    Space = (analogRead(0) << 4);
    Mark = (analogRead(1) << 4);

    // Add a "space"
    PORTB = 0;
    for (volatile unsigned long intDelay = Space; intDelay > 0; intDelay--);
    // Then do a "mark" and hold until the next sensor change
    for (unsigned char intCount = 0; intCount < PhaseMapSize; intCount++)
        if (PhaseMap[intCount].Sensor == ThisSensor)
            PORTB = PhaseMap[intCount].Phase;
This worked quite well at higher speeds but was a bit unstable in very low speeds.


Increasing sampling frequency

May be party due to an inefficient algorithm which has a low sample period.
Advanced Arduino ADC - Faster analogRead() shows a way of speeding up analog samples.

Might be worth replacing the loop selector with a sparse array.
This will take more space (there is loads) but will work much faster:
 . . .

static unsigned char PhaseMap[256];

 . . .

void setup()

 . . .

//             Sensor       Phase
//                          UUVVWW
//             654321       -+-+-+
    PhaseMap [B01111100] = B00010010;
    PhaseMap [B10111100] = B00000110;
    PhaseMap [B11011100] = B00100100;
    PhaseMap [B11101100] = B00100001;
    PhaseMap [B11110100] = B00001001;
    PhaseMap [B11111000] = B00011000;
    PhaseMap [0] = 0;

 . . .

void loop()
 . . .

    PORTB = PhaseMap[ThisSensor];
Speed of analogRead() is still a problem, so looking at interrupt based on Direct Port Access Analog Read and Newbie's Guide to the AVR ADC

So we have something here:
 . . .

static unsigned char ADCHigh[2] = {0, 0};
static unsigned char ADCLow[2] = {0, 0};

 . . .

void Setup()
 . . .
    sei();   // Enable Global Interrupts 

    ADCSRA |= (1 << ADPS2) | (1 << ADPS1) | (1 << ADPS0); // Set ADC prescaler to 128 - 125KHz sample rate @ 16MHz 
    ADCSRA |= (1 << ADEN);  // Enable ADC 
    ADCSRA |= (1 << ADIE);  // Enable ADC Interrupt 
    ADCSRA |= (1 << ADSC);  // Start A2D Conversions 
 . . .

ISR (ADC_vect) 
    unsigned char ADCch = ADMUX & B00000111;  // extract the channel of the ADC result

    ADCLow[ADCch] = ADCL;
    ADCHigh[ADCch] = ADCH;
    if (ADCch == 0)
        ADMUX = 1 | (1 << REFS0); // Select channel 1, ADC reference to AVCC 
        ADMUX = 0 | (1 << REFS0); // Select channel 0, ADC reference to AVCC 

    ADCSRA |= (1 << ADEN) | (1 << ADSC);  // Start A2D Conversion 

void loop()
 . . .
    unsigned short Mark = ((unsigned short)ADCHigh[1] << 8) | (unsigned short)ADCLow[1];
    unsigned short Space = ((unsigned short)ADCHigh[0] << 8) | (unsigned short)ADCLow[0];
 . . .
There is a latch set by a read to ADCL which is released by a read to ADCH.
The Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) has more, so you need to be careful of the read order.

Now the main loop doesn't actually read the pots just uses a stored value set by the ISR, so it is fast again.
The only issue here is the ISR obviously will cause a small delay when it fires asynchronously,
but this will still be much less that waiting for a read to complete.

So this is the full program:
// Sensors with variable PWM from pots
// Sensor input is reverse logic

#define ADCREAD(Index)  (((unsigned short)ADCRead[(Index)].HighByte << 12) | \
                                ((unsigned short)ADCRead[(Index)].LowByte << 4))

typedef struct
    unsigned char HighByte;
    unsigned char LowByte;

static const unsigned char SensorsMask = B11111100;

static const unsigned char ADMUXFLAGS = (1 << REFS0); // ADC reference to AVCC 
static const unsigned char ADCSRAFLAGS = (1 << ADEN) | (1 << ADSC);  // Enable interrupts and start A2D Conversion 

static ADCReadSpec ADCRead[2] =
    {0, 0},
    {0, 0}

// Create a sparse array populated in setup().
//  This will take more space, but will work much faster
static unsigned char PhaseMap[256];

static unsigned char LastSensor = SensorsMask;
static unsigned char ThisSensor = SensorsMask;

static unsigned char LastADCRead = 255;

void setup()
    DDRB |= B00111111;
    DDRD &= B00000011;

//                          UUVVWW
//             654321       -+-+-+
    PhaseMap [B01111100] = B00010010;
    PhaseMap [B10111100] = B00000110;
    PhaseMap [B11011100] = B00100100;
    PhaseMap [B11101100] = B00100001;
    PhaseMap [B11110100] = B00001001;
    PhaseMap [B11111000] = B00011000;
    PhaseMap [0] = 0;
    sei();   // Enable Global Interrupts 

    ADCSRA |= (1 << ADPS2) | (1 << ADPS1) | (1 << ADPS0);
    ADCSRA |= (1 << ADEN);
    ADCSRA |= (1 << ADIE);
    ADCSRA |= (1 << ADSC);

ISR (ADC_vect) 
    LastADCRead = ADMUX & B00000111;

    ADCRead[LastADCRead].LowByte = ADCL;
    ADCRead[LastADCRead].HighByte = ADCH;

    ADMUX = (LastADCRead == 0) | ADMUXFLAGS; // Select other channel


void loop()
    // Read the pots
    unsigned short Mark = ADCREAD(1);
    unsigned short Space = ADCREAD(0);

    for (unsigned short intCount = Mark; ThisSensor == LastSensor && intCount > 0; intCount--)
        ThisSensor = (PIND & SensorsMask);
        if (ThisSensor == SensorsMask)
            ThisSensor = LastSensor;

    LastSensor = ThisSensor;
    // Read the pots
    Space = (analogRead(0) << 4);
    Mark = (analogRead(1) << 4);

    // Add a "space"
    PORTB = 0;
    for (volatile unsigned long intDelay = Space; intDelay > 0; intDelay--);
    // Then do a "mark" and hold until the next sensor change
    for (unsigned char intCount = 0; intCount < PhaseMapSize; intCount++)
        if (PhaseMap[intCount].Sensor == ThisSensor)
            PORTB = PhaseMap[intCount].Phase;
This worked quite well at higher speeds but was a bit unstable in very low speeds.


Increasing sampling frequency

May be party due to an inefficient algorithm which has a low sample period.
Advanced Arduino ADC - Faster analogRead() shows a way of speeding up analog samples.

Might be worth replacing the loop selector with a sparse array.
This will take more space (there is loads) but will work much faster:
 . . .

static unsigned char PhaseMap[256];

 . . .

void setup()

 . . .

//             Sensor       Phase
//                          UUVVWW
//             654321       -+-+-+
    PhaseMap [B01111100] = B00010010;
    PhaseMap [B10111100] = B00000110;
    PhaseMap [B11011100] = B00100100;
    PhaseMap [B11101100] = B00100001;
    PhaseMap [B11110100] = B00001001;
    PhaseMap [B11111000] = B00011000;
    PhaseMap [0] = 0;

 . . .

void loop()
 . . .

    PORTB = PhaseMap[ThisSensor];
Speed of analogRead() is still a problem, so looking at interrupt based on Direct Port Access Analog Read and Newbie's Guide to the AVR ADC

So we have something here:
 . . .

static unsigned char ADCHigh[2] = {0, 0};
static unsigned char ADCLow[2] = {0, 0};

 . . .

void Setup()
 . . .
    sei();   // Enable Global Interrupts 

    ADCSRA |= (1 << ADPS2) | (1 << ADPS1) | (1 << ADPS0); // Set ADC prescaler to 128 - 125KHz sample rate @ 16MHz 
    ADCSRA |= (1 << ADEN);  // Enable ADC 
    ADCSRA |= (1 << ADIE);  // Enable ADC Interrupt 
    ADCSRA |= (1 << ADSC);  // Start A2D Conversions 
 . . .

ISR (ADC_vect) 
    unsigned char ADCch = ADMUX & B00000111;  // extract the channel of the ADC result

    ADCLow[ADCch] = ADCL;
    ADCHigh[ADCch] = ADCH;
    if (ADCch == 0)
        ADMUX = 1 | (1 << REFS0); // Select channel 1, ADC reference to AVCC 
        ADMUX = 0 | (1 << REFS0); // Select channel 0, ADC reference to AVCC 

    ADCSRA |= (1 << ADEN) | (1 << ADSC);  // Start A2D Conversion 

void loop()
 . . .
    unsigned short Mark = ((unsigned short)ADCHigh[1] << 8) | (unsigned short)ADCLow[1];
    unsigned short Space = ((unsigned short)ADCHigh[0] << 8) | (unsigned short)ADCLow[0];
 . . .
There is a latch set by a read to ADCL which is released by a read to ADCH.
The Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) has more, so you need to be careful of the read order.

Now the main loop doesn't actually read the pots just uses a stored value set by the ISR, so it is fast again.
The only issue here is the ISR obviously will cause a small delay when it fires asynchronously,
but this will still be much less that waiting for a read to complete.

So this is the full program:
// Sensors with variable PWM from pots
// Sensor input is reverse logic

#define ADCREAD(Index)  (((unsigned short)ADCRead[(Index)].HighByte << 12) | \
                                ((unsigned short)ADCRead[(Index)].LowByte << 4))

typedef struct
    unsigned char HighByte;
    unsigned char LowByte;

static const unsigned char SensorsMask = B11111100;

static const unsigned char ADMUXFLAGS = (1 << REFS0); // ADC reference to AVCC 
static const unsigned char ADCSRAFLAGS = (1 << ADEN) | (1 << ADSC);  // Enable interrupts and start A2D Conversion 

static ADCReadSpec ADCRead[2] =
    {0, 0},
    {0, 0}

// Create a sparse array populated in setup().
//  This will take more space, but will work much faster
static unsigned char PhaseMap[256];

static unsigned char LastSensor = SensorsMask;
static unsigned char ThisSensor = SensorsMask;

static unsigned char LastADCRead = 255;

void setup()
    DDRB |= B00111111;
    DDRD &= B00000011;

//                          UUVVWW
//             654321       -+-+-+
    PhaseMap [B01111100] = B00010010;
    PhaseMap [B10111100] = B00000110;
    PhaseMap [B11011100] = B00100100;
    PhaseMap [B11101100] = B00100001;
    PhaseMap [B11110100] = B00001001;
    PhaseMap [B11111000] = B00011000;
    PhaseMap [0] = 0;
    sei();   // Enable Global Interrupts 

    ADCSRA |= (1 << ADPS2) | (1 << ADPS1) | (1 << ADPS0);
    ADCSRA |= (1 << ADEN);
    ADCSRA |= (1 << ADIE);
    ADCSRA |= (1 << ADSC);

ISR (ADC_vect) 
    LastADCRead = ADMUX & B00000111;

    ADCRead[LastADCRead].LowByte = ADCL;
    ADCRead[LastADCRead].HighByte = ADCH;

    ADMUX = (LastADCRead == 0) | ADMUXFLAGS; // Select other channel


void loop()
    // Read the pots
    unsigned short Mark = ADCREAD(1);
    unsigned short Space = ADCREAD(0);

    for (unsigned short intCount = Mark; ThisSensor == LastSensor && intCount > 0; intCount--)
        ThisSensor = (PIND & SensorsMask);
        if (ThisSensor == SensorsMask)
            ThisSensor = LastSensor;

    PORTB = 0;
    for (volatile unsigned short Delay = Space; Delay > 0; Delay--);
    LastSensor = ThisSensor;
    if (Mark)
        PORTB = PhaseMap[ThisSensor];
Less than a hundred lines keeps it nice and simple.
The code was refined to reduce the number of CPU cycles from the ISR and main loop.

Original OpenOffice Drawing

This appears to control the torque very well, it uses the power efficiently and uses low frequency PWM.
It still is a bit unstable at very low speeds.

The code does not vary the phase angle (fixed at 60 degrees) and still uses the 6-step algorithm inherited from the diode matrix.
The phase angle really should be set to 90 degrees which really needs the 12-step algorithm.

Some ratiometric hall effect devices have been ordered so we will test some analogue angle code as well.

ReadReceiver looks interesting as a way of using interrupts instead of loop timers.
Also to have a timer interrupt set to about half second for serial IO to receive commands and send diagnostics.

Also really could improve this with moving average algorithm for reading the pots and interrupt based sensor loop (PinChangeIntExample and Quick Reference).
And this is the CPU datasheet.

Not getting much joy with a second timer: Timer2 and Overflow Interrupt: Let's Get Cooking

Real-time fully pre-emptive multi-threading model

Now the interrupt system for this CPU seems straight forward the software should be converted to a fully pre-emptive model.

This way the timing is much more reliable and a user IO interface can be implemented
without needing the carefully timed co-operative model used in the PIC.

This is an idea of how it needs to work:

Original OpenOffice Drawing

The main loop now just reads passive attributes and sends them out USB serial every second.
Possibly can receive commands in from USB serial and setting attributes.

Might be betting to start a simple diode matrix replacement again with some fresh code.

This was the revised pre-emptive diode matrix replacement:
    Software replacement of the diode matrix

    Uses pin change interrupts to set the phase output.
    Should respond in a more predictable way, closer to the electrical version

static const unsigned char SENSORMASK = B11111100;

// Create a sparse array populated in setup().
//  This will take more space, but will work much faster
static unsigned char PhaseMap[256];

void setup()
    Serial.begin (115200);
    Serial.println ("SimpleMatrix, "__DATE__" ("__TIME__")");

    // PORTB pins 5 to 0 (DIO13 - DIO08) as field control outputs.
    DDRB |= B00111111;
    // PORTD pins 7 to 2 (DIO07 - DIO02) as sensor inputs.
    DDRD &= B00000011;

    // Reset all patterns to no field output
    for (unsigned short Count = 0; Count < 256; Count++)
        PhaseMap [Count] = 0;

    //                        UUVVWW
    //         654321         -+-+-+
    PhaseMap [B01111100] = B00010010;
    PhaseMap [B10111100] = B00000110;
    PhaseMap [B11011100] = B00100100;
    PhaseMap [B11101100] = B00100001;
    PhaseMap [B11110100] = B00001001;
    PhaseMap [B11111000] = B00011000;

    //-- Sensor interrupt
    // Pin change interrupt on sensor inputs
    //  This corresponds to PCINT2_vect
    PCICR |= (1 << PCIE2);

    sei();   // Enable Global Interrupts

// Sensors (PORTB) interrupt
//  Fires each time the sensor pattern changes
ISR (PCINT2_vect)
    // Simply map the field output pattern to the sensor input pattern

void loop()
    delay (1000); // Do nothing

Original OpenOffice Drawing

Some quick calculations on the Field Control page show that
the software needs to be able to run the motor at about 460 field rotations per second for 100mph.

So code was added to see the rotational speed and the quality of the sensor information:
Also the ISR was adapted to ignore empty reads (when the sensors are not picking up the magnets).

Original OpenOffice Drawing

Read[0]=	111101
Read[1]=	111110
Read[2]=	011111
Read[3]=	101111
Read[4]=	110111
Read[5]=	111011
Read[6]=	111001
Read[7]=	111101
Read[8]=	111110
Read[9]=	011111
Read[10]=	101111
Read[11]=	110111
Read[12]=	111011
Read[13]=	111001
Read[14]=	111101
Read[15]=	111110
Read[16]=	011111
Read[17]=	101111
Read[18]=	110111
Read[19]=	111011
Read[20]=	111101
Read[21]=	111110
Read[22]=	011111
Read[23]=	101111
Read[24]=	110111
Read[25]=	111011
Read[26]=	111101
Read[27]=	111101
Read[28]=	111110
Read[29]=	011111
Read[30]=	101111
Read[31]=	110111
CycleCount=308 // Field revolutions per second (target is 460)

There is an issue with the magnets spinning off again.
The field revs/sec here is showing just over 300 (target is 460).

The control read ISR was added also to see if it had any effect on performance:

Original OpenOffice Drawing

The ADC ISR was reading the ADCs at around 10,000 per second (in red below) but the values were noisey.

Here the mark control was at minimum and the space was roughly 50%
ADCReads[0]=	558
ADCReads[1]=	0
ADCReads[2]=	560
ADCReads[3]=	0
ADCReads[4]=	563
ADCReads[5]=	0
ADCReads[6]=	563
ADCReads[7]=	0
ADCReads[8]=	561
ADCReads[9]=	0
ADCReads[10]=	561
ADCReads[11]=	0
ADCReads[12]=	563
ADCReads[13]=	0
ADCReads[14]=	563
ADCReads[15]=	0
ADCReads[16]=	562
ADCReads[17]=	0
ADCReads[18]=	562
ADCReads[19]=	0
ADCReads[20]=	562
ADCReads[21]=	0
ADCReads[22]=	559
ADCReads[23]=	0
ADCReads[24]=	560
ADCReads[25]=	0
ADCReads[26]=	557
ADCReads[27]=	0
ADCReads[28]=	556
ADCReads[29]=	0
ADCReads[30]=	555
ADCReads[31]=	0
Mark=0	Space=8912
This is the code:
    Improved algorithms (hopefully)

static const unsigned char CYCLEPATTERN = B11111000;
static const unsigned char SENSORMASK = B11111100;
static const unsigned long READLOGSIZE = 32;
static const unsigned char BYTEWIDTH = 8;

static const unsigned char ADMUXFLAGS = (1 << REFS0); // ADC reference to AVCC
static const unsigned char ADCSRAFLAGS = (1 << ADEN) | (1 << ADSC);  // Enable interrupts and start A2D Conversion

static volatile unsigned char SensorRead = 0;

static unsigned long ADCReadCount = 0;
static unsigned long ReadCount = 0;
static unsigned long CycleCount = 0;

static unsigned char LastADCRead = 255;
static unsigned short ADCRead = 0;

static unsigned short Mark = 0;
static unsigned short Space = 0;

static unsigned char ADCLowByte = 0;
static unsigned char ADCHighByte = 0;

static unsigned char PhaseMap[256];
static unsigned char Read[READLOGSIZE];
static unsigned short ADCReads[READLOGSIZE];
static char ByteString[BYTEWIDTH + 1] = "";

void setup()
    Serial.begin (115200);
    Serial.println ("BLDCPhase2, "__DATE__" ("__TIME__")\n");

    // PORTB pins 5 to 0 (DIO13 - DIO08) as field control outputs.
    DDRB |= B00111111;
    // PORTD pins 7 to 2 (DIO07 - DIO02) as sensor inputs.
    DDRD &= B00000011;

    for (unsigned short Count = 0; Count < 256; Count++)
        PhaseMap [Count] = 0;

    //                        UUVVWW
    //         654321         -+-+-+
    PhaseMap [B01111100] = B00010010;
    PhaseMap [B10111100] = B00000110;
    PhaseMap [B11011100] = B00100100;
    PhaseMap [B11101100] = B00100001;
    PhaseMap [B11110100] = B00001001;
    PhaseMap [B11111000] = B00011000;

    // Pin change interrupt on sensor inputs
    PCICR |= (1 << PCIE2);

//-- Control ADC interrupt
    ADCSRA |= (1 << ADPS2) | (1 << ADPS1) | (1 << ADPS0);
    ADCSRA |= (1 << ADEN);
    ADCSRA |= (1 << ADIE);
    ADCSRA |= (1 << ADSC);


//-- Control ADC interrupt
ISR (ADC_vect)
    LastADCRead = ADMUX & B00000111;
    ADCLowByte = ADCL;
    ADCHighByte = ADCH;

    ADCRead = (((unsigned short)ADCHighByte << 8) | (unsigned short)ADCLowByte);

    if (LastADCRead == 1)
        Mark = ADCRead << 4;
        Space = ADCRead << 4;

    if (ADCReadCount < READLOGSIZE)
        ADCReads[ADCReadCount] = ADCRead;
    ADCReadCount++; // Count the number of reads

    ADMUX = (LastADCRead == 0) | ADMUXFLAGS; // Select other channel
    ADCSRA |= ADCSRAFLAGS; // Start conversion again

// Sensors (PORTB) interrupt
//  Fires each time the sensor pattern changes
ISR (PCINT2_vect)
    SensorRead = PIND & SENSORMASK;
    if (SensorRead == SENSORMASK)

    PORTB = PhaseMap[SensorRead];

    if (ReadCount < READLOGSIZE)
        Read[ReadCount] = SensorRead;
    ReadCount++; // Count the number of reads

    if (SensorRead == CYCLEPATTERN)

char *Byte2String (unsigned char Byte)
    unsigned char ByteCount = 0;
    for (; ByteCount < BYTEWIDTH; ByteCount++)
        ByteString[ByteCount] = (Byte & (0x80 >> ByteCount))? '1' : '0';
    return ByteString;

void loop()
    delay (1000);

    Serial.print ("ReadCount=");
    Serial.println (ReadCount);

    // Show some of the sensor patterns stored
    for (unsigned long ReadIndex = 0; ReadIndex < ReadCount && ReadIndex < READLOGSIZE; ReadIndex++)
        Serial.print ("Read[");
        Serial.print (ReadIndex);
        Serial.print ("]=\t");
        Serial.println (Byte2String (Read[ReadIndex]));
    ReadCount = 0;

    Serial.print ("CycleCount=");
    Serial.println (CycleCount);
    CycleCount = 0;
    Serial.print ("ADCReadCount=");
    Serial.println (ADCReadCount);

    // Show some of the ADC reads
    for (unsigned long ReadIndex = 0; ReadIndex < ADCReadCount && ReadIndex < READLOGSIZE; ReadIndex++)
        Serial.print ("ADCReads[");
        Serial.print (ReadIndex);
        Serial.print ("]=\t");
        Serial.println ((int)ADCReads[ReadIndex]);
    ADCReadCount = 0;

    Serial.print ("Mark=");
    Serial.print ((int)Mark);
    Serial.print ("\tSpace=");
    Serial.print ((int)Space);

ADC Smoothing

Part of the problem is the ADC values are not steady, this can be compensated by using a moving average of some fixed historical set of values.

Original OpenOffice Drawing

460 field rotations per second is expected to be attained.
In 6 step mode this is 6 falling edges (reverse logic) so 460 x 6 = 2760 sensor interrupts per second.
So interrupts every 362.32uS with a new sensor update are expected.
In actual fact interrupts will occur twice but the rising edges will be throw away .

ISR call delay is around 1.5uS (Gammon Software Solutions forum - Interrupts).

Command Interface

Since we have a serial interface which is bidirectional this allows us to talk to the controller from the PC.
This is useful to send commands to alter the state, etc:
static const unsigned short FIXEDSPACETEST = 2650;
static unsigned short SpaceTest = FIXEDSPACETEST;

static char KeyPress = '\0';    // for incoming serial data

 . . .

//  Fires each time the sensor pattern changes
ISR (PCINT2_vect)
 . . .
    PORTB = 0;
    ICR1 = SpaceTest;
 . . .

 . . .

void loop()
    delay (1000);

    // Check for commands
    if (Serial.available() > 0)
            // read the incoming byte:
            KeyPress = (char);

            // say what you got:
            Serial.print ("I received: '");
            Serial.print (KeyPress);
            Serial.println ("'");
        switch (KeyPress)
            case 'u':
                SpaceTest >>= 1;

            case 'd':
                SpaceTest <<= 1;

            case 's':
                PCICR &= ~(1 << PCIE2);         // stop sensor reads
                TCCR1B &= ~TIMERPRESCALEMASK;   // stop timer
                PORTB = 0;                      // shut off all outputs

            case 'r':
                PCICR |= (1 << PCIE2);          // start sensor reads

                 // Initiate movement
                if (SENSORMASK == (SensorRead = PIND & SENSORMASK))
                    SensorRead = B00010010;     // Just give it something

                PORTB = PhaseMap[SensorRead];
 . . .
This works better in a proper terminal program like gtkterm or minicom as the Arduino stuff requires you to press return to actually send.

So you can now press:
There's a delay max 1 second due to the polling loop, so a serial read ISR might be better.
There is still the issue that the motor and CD etc are very light so a small kick can send it off into fast spin.
The rotary parts have a very small inertia.

Another problem is that the motor doesn't turn when the controller is powered up.
This is because the sensors don't fire interrupts until a change occurs, which doesn't happen when it is stationary.

Also we need to modify the code to allow experimentation.
 . . .
 . . .
static const unsigned char Step6Field[] =
//     UUVVWW
//     -+-+-+

static const unsigned char Step6FieldCount = sizeof (Step6Field) / sizeof (unsigned char);
 . . .
static const unsigned char SENSORINITIAL = Step6Field[STEP6_030];
 . . .
void setup()
 . . .
    for (Count = 0; Count < Step6FieldCount; Count++)
        PhaseMap [Position6[Count]] = Step6Field[Count];
 . . .

    // Initiate movement
    if (SENSORMASK == (SensorRead = PIND & SENSORMASK))
         SensorRead = SENSORINITIAL;     // Just give it something

    PORTB = PhaseMap[SensorRead];

void loop()
 . . .
            case 'r':
                PCICR |= (1 << PCIE2);          // start sensor reads

                // Initiate movement
                if (SENSORMASK == (SensorRead = PIND & SENSORMASK))
                    SensorRead = SENSORINITIAL;     // Just give it something

                PORTB = PhaseMap[SensorRead];

 . . .

Improved command interface by using USART receive interrupt so commands are effective real-time:
    KeyPress = UDR0;

    switch (KeyPress)
        case 'F':
            Space += 100;

 . . .

        case 'R':
            TCCR1B |= TIMERPRESCALE;        // start timer

void loop()
    delay (1000);

    switch (KeyPress)

 . . .

        case 'R':
            COM.println ("Run");

        case '\0':

 . . .

    KeyPress = '\0';

 . . .
This required modification of the HardwareSerial Arduino module to comment out the USART_RX_vect section (in a local copy).
Hence Serial. is renamed to COM.

Original OpenOffice Drawing

While this works, Simple Serial Communications With AVR Libc looks more like.

PIC Analogue Control

See PIC Analogue Timers for the electronics.

Using external timing we can get the analogue control of the mark/space quite simply:

Original OpenOffice Drawing

; PICMONO2: Monostable second testing loop

PICMONO2        MOVLW   B'00000010'     ; Get bit pattern for LED ON and 555RST LOW
                MOVWF   PORTB           ; Set output lines

                MOVLW   B'00000011'     ; Get bit pattern for LED ON and 555RST HIGH
                MOVWF   PORTB           ; Set output lines

WAITMARK        BTFSC   PORTA,0         ; Read Monostable input (RA0)
                GOTO    WAITMARK
                NOP                     ; Symmetric
                NOP                     ; Symmetric

                MOVLW   B'00000000'     ; Get bit pattern for LED OFF and 555RST LOW
                MOVWF   PORTB           ; Set output lines

                MOVLW   B'00000001'     ; Get bit pattern for LED OFF and 555RST HIGH
                MOVWF   PORTB           ; Set output lines

WAITSPACE       BTFSC   PORTA,0         ; Read Monostable input (RA0)
                GOTO    WAITSPACE

                GOTO    PICMONO2            ; Return

This would, in reality, have 2 timer circuits one for mark and one for space.

Original OpenOffice Drawing

; PICMONO2: Monostable second testing loop

PICMONO2        MOVLW   B'10000001'     ; Get bit pattern for LED ON (RB01) and MARKTRIG LOW (RB06)
                MOVWF   PORTB           ; Set output lines

WAITMARKRESET   BTFSS   PORTA,6         ; Read Monostable input (RA6)
                GOTO    WAITMARKRESET	; Loop until high

                MOVLW   B'11000001'     ; Get bit pattern for LED ON (RB01) and MARKTRIG HIGH (RB06)
                MOVWF   PORTB           ; Set output lines

WAITMARK        BTFSC   PORTA,6         ; Read Monostable input (RA6)
                GOTO    WAITMARK	; Loop until low
                NOP                     ; Symmetry
                NOP                     ; Symmetry

                MOVLW   B'01000000'     ; Get bit pattern for LED OFF (RB01) and SPACETRIG LOW (RB07)
                MOVWF   PORTB           ; Set output lines

WAITSPACERESET  BTFSS   PORTA,7         ; Read Monostable input (RA7)
                GOTO    WAITSPACERESET	; Loop until high

                MOVLW   B'11000000'     ; Get bit pattern for LED OFF (RB01) and SPACETRIG HIGH (RB07)
                MOVWF   PORTB           ; Set output lines

WAITSPACE       BTFSC   PORTA,7         ; Read Monostable input (RA7)
                GOTO    WAITSPACE	; Loop until low

                GOTO    PICMONO2        ; Return


; PICMONO2: Monostable second testing loop

PICMONO2        BSF     PORTB,0         ; Set LED ON (RB01)
                BCF     PORTB,6         ; Set MARKTRIG LOW (RB06)

WAITMARKHIGH    BTFSS   PORTA,6         ; Read Monostable input (RA6)
                GOTO    WAITMARKHIGH	; Loop until high

                BSF     PORTB,6         ; Set MARKTRIG HIGH (RB06)

WAITMARKLOW     BTFSC   PORTA,6         ; Read Monostable input (RA6)
                GOTO    WAITMARKLOW	; Loop until low
                NOP                     ; Symmetry
                NOP                     ; Symmetry

                BCF     PORTB,0         ; Set LED OFF (RB01)
                BCF     PORTB,7         ; Set SPACETRIG LOW (RB07)

WAITSPACEHIGH   BTFSS   PORTA,7         ; Read Monostable input (RA7)
                GOTO    WAITSPACEHIGH	; Loop until high

                BSF     PORTB,7         ; Set SPACETRIG HIGH (RB07)

WAITSPACELOW    BTFSC   PORTA,7         ; Read Monostable input (RA7)
                GOTO    WAITSPACELOW	; Loop until low

                GOTO    PICMONO2        ; Return

Original OpenOffice Drawing

Home > Research and Development Program > Controller Software > Early Software Experiments

PIC software created in Piklab, Arduino software created in the Arduino IDE, animations created in qcad/librecad, plots and graphs GNumeric, images edited in gimp, flowcharts created in LibreOffice Draw.